Archives for 2009

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Second Prototypes: LifeTrac, CEB – Plus MicroTrac

Lots of progress here. On the ground, we’re completing Hexacube 2 today for interim housing, with our friend O.R.. On the technology development pipeline, we published specifications for the steam engine, pyrolysis oil production, flash steam generator,...

LifeTrac 3D

Bram DeVries, who does visualization support for Demotech, just sent us some excellent visualizations for LifeTrac, showing its simple box-with-wheels construction: This brings up the point on our LifeTrac developments – which is to build MicroTrac...

Fruit Propagation Workshop

Yesterday we held the Plant Propagation Workshop. It snowed the same day, but inside the greenhouse, we propagated raspberries from root cuttings, and grafted apple and peach trees. We used a grafting tool to do the latter: Here is the transcript of the...

Open Source Product Devopment Pipeline

So here’s the next best thing since sliced bread. We’re working on a streamlined pipeline for open source product development, and I think we’ve hit it on the head. Or at the very least, we’re clarifying the process required for...

Large Hopper Mechanism

Based on some feedback from the CEB Hopper Problem Statement in the last post, here is a conceptual solution. This solution is readily doable using techniques available to us, and requires an additional ~$400 in CEB infrastructure material costs. We can...

Development Update

There’s nothing as valuable for us at this point in our organizational evolution as completing the full CEB product cycle, to take the CEB press from prototype to market. We spawned some publicity, and much is happening in the background. The viral...

Green Roof

Well, not really green in winter, but it will soon be. Today we put straw and earth on top of the CEB workshop addition – for a living roof. Without LifeTrac assist, this would have been an arduous task. With LifeTrac, we were able to do most of...

CEB, Hexacube, and Hexayurt: Side by Side

We are posting a video update on the CEB flex fab workshop addition, plus news on the first Hexacube solar cubicle that we built in the short time that Nate and Ama were here on a visit. There is interesting information on our newly built stove –...

Factor e Farm in Five Minutes

Thanks to Mathew, one of our True Fans, we now have a publicity 4-pager for anyone who wants a quick overview of Factor e Farm. This is useful for spreading the word, and I’ll be taking copies with me to any presentation that I give. You can download...

Solar Power Generator Update

Today, someone passed on an important link. The Swiss company Nolaris is building a solar concentrator power system that matches the Factor e Farm Solar Power Generator very closely. In particular – both systems use flat mirrors in a linear fresnel...