

Super Productive

When I initially began learning about organics, I had mixed feelings about the terms “super-weeds” and “super-bugs”. I understood the concept that weeds and insects could evolve until strains developed that would withstand the...

Portal to Mystery

Look at that frost pattern on our door. The frost came from a combination of moisture and contrasting temperatures… but where did the diamond pattern come from? No shadows cross the door to create such marks. The only guess I have is that somehow...

Are CEBs the best kept secret in building?

Yesterday, I came across Basin, which describes itself as follows: ‘The “building advisory service and information network”, basin, was set up in 1988 to provide information and advice on appropriate building technology and to create...


The perfect time to think spring is when snow covers the ground and is held there by freezing temperatures.  You can “do” spring when the ground cracks as the frost heaves and buds burst into greens, whites, and pinks.  But now is the...

Resource Development

We had a nice adventure today to the local supermarket where we picked up 4 cardboard bales. We originally wanted them as weed-barrier mulch-rings for our trees. But now our brains have exploded with possibilites and we want more. Potential uses include:...

Life with Stuff

We all have stuff hiding in closets, in the attic, and in the basement. Stuff fills the kitchen, the bedrooms, and the garage. Stuff lurks at work, in the car, and even in the backyard. Where does it all come from and where will it end up? The answer...

From 12-11-07: Yesterday a stove; Today firewood.

The cord wood room was coming to completion and we were still without a stove to heat it with. Craigslist, ebay, and local newspapers only had dead ends; the stoves listed were either too expensive, too far away, too big or already sold. I had asked a...

Internetless Ice storm

We have been out of touch for over a week now; an ice storm struck and while we still had power (unlike our neighbors, who do not have off-grid power systems) our internet receiver was covered in ice.  As it is located on top of a tree, also ladden...

Winter Reflections

If winter was without snow, I would not have learned to love winter. But, I grew up with snow-filled winters and the great anticipation of cross-country skiing at the local golf course, snow angels, sledding, and hot chocolate and a fire to warm up to....


How much is a twenty-foot diameter building worth…made of earthbags? Does it increase the property value or decrease it? When we first built our earthbag structure (locally known as the “mud hut”), the very small neighbouring town was...