

Mulch Track

The farm is bustling with activity, mimicking the natural abundant growth period of spring. Moving silos, planting, mulching, building a trencher and tractor, finding and fixing an old rototiller, adopting a cat, raising ducklings, milking, watering,...

Yama Loves a Baby

Sometimes I regret that Yama will never be a mother. She loves babies. Every visitor and newcomer receives a warm welcome from Yama, but babies receive a special whimper of pure eagerness. For example, when we brought home ducklings , Yama was pure...

Just Tools for Life Revisited

Time is a marvelous means for putting things into perspective. Your most embarrassing moment as a seven-year-old becomes the funniest story of the evening twenty years later. And likewise, those hilarious jokes at two in the morning, produce puzzled looks...

Just Tools for Life

Stan Rhodes recently sent us a couple books in the mail: “Influence: Science and Practice” by Robert Cialdini and “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath.  I quickly devoured both books as they both proved to be interesting and...

The Value of Jerusalem Artichokes

This “weed” looks like a bumpy potato and is related to the Sunflower (the energy goes to the root more than the seeds in this case).  They produce terrific amount of flatulence for most consumers. (They are composed of an indigestible...

A Prickly Journey

A reality check is a bitter sweet pill. The sweetness comes from the truth and the bitterness is in the swallowing. This week I received a letter from an inventor. An inventor who loves the world but sleeps on a couch. When I asked him about collaborating,...

Solar Cows

A friend of ours stops in from time to time unannounced, often with a technical question on his mind. Before the weather turned so cold, he asked if we had any ideas for keeping his pond open for the winter. We had nothing intriguing to offer; just a...

Turn On the Heat

When I was eight years old or so, my mom took us to the local lake. It was a particularly hot day and I put on sunscreen. After hours of fun in the lake, we came in for a picnic lunch. I was crispy. The swim suit straps had saved only a narrow stripe...

Ubuntu Booted

Yesterday, Ubuntu failed to meet our expectations as an operating system for my Mac iBook. A little research showed that indeed the airport and dimmer capacities, among other features, are rendered useless under Ubuntu. As I use these features frequently,...

How it all (could) work

“When solar cell companies develop cheaper panels, then we’ll switch to solar power.” Did you ever hear someone say this? Instead of waiting around for solar panels to become affordable, why don’t we collaborate and make them ourselves....