Archives for 2009

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Steam Meet Update

I suggest that if someone wants to build a steam engine, the first thing that they should do is visit a Steam Automobile Club of America (SACA) meeting. The steam club meeting is filled with amazing talent – from former NASA engineers, present Detroit...

Steam Dreams and Stoves Continued

I am now in Berrien Springs, Michigan, for a 2 day visit at the Steam Automobile Club of America (SACA) annual meeting in Chicagoland. I am staying with Tom Kimmel, club president – a jovial fellow who also runs a significant plant propagation nursery...

On the Nature of One Month Project Visits

The Table Project was detailed here, and you can see my commitments for the project here. Here is a choppy update of the Torch Tables progress: Torch Table Build Part 1 from Marcin Jakubowski on Vimeo. I wanted to say a little something about what this...

Open Everything

Today, an Open Everything event will take place at the Paraflows Festival in Vienna, Austria. Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation is the main speaker. Franz Nahrada and Ralf Schlatterbeck will follow up with the hardware side of open production, with...

Get a Real Job!

Friends and family still harass me. They still keep telling me to ‘get a real job.’ I’ve got a good response now. It is: Take a look at the last post on the soil pulverizer Consider ‘getting a real job at $100k,’ a well-paid...

Soil Pulverizer Annihilates Soil Handling Limits

We are glad to report that the LifeTrac-mounted, open source soil pulverizer has annihilated soil-handling limits from our compressed earth brick (CEB) pressing ability. Initial testing achieved 5 ton per hour soil throughput, while The Liberator CEB...

Open Source Torch Table

Lawrence has finalized the open source torch table design, after 11 days at Factor e Farm. Today, we are preparing the workshop space and he’s putting together the frame. Our goal is to complete the prototype in the stated 30 day period. The design...

Inga’s Commitments

As part of our development process. Factor e Farm participants are required to commit to a proposal for their stay at Factor e Farm. When participants arrive here, we video and then publish these proposals on this blog. This is part of our measures to...

Lawrence of Factor e Farm

Meet Lawrence. Lawrence arrived two days ago, and is collaborating as our first Dedicated Project Visitor. He is here developing a Replicable, Low Cost, High Performance, Open Source, Multipurpose, CNC XYZ Table based on our previous work. We are making...

CEB Prototype II Finished

Aug 18, 2009 Completion of Prototype II of the Open Source Ecology CEB Press After 16 days of active build, the Compressed Earth Block (CEB) press prototype II is finished. You can compare this to Prototype I video in a previous post. We are well on our...