open source CEB press

CEB Automation

The next phase of CEB development is automation, and October is the month to do it. We’ll be publishing video of the manual CEB II in action with Soil Pulverizer and Slurry Mixer in operation – within a week. We will try this with stack-as-you...

Open Everything

Today, an Open Everything event will take place at the Paraflows Festival in Vienna, Austria. Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation is the main speaker. Franz Nahrada and Ralf Schlatterbeck will follow up with the hardware side of open production, with...

CEB Prototype II Finished

Aug 18, 2009 Completion of Prototype II of the Open Source Ecology CEB Press After 16 days of active build, the Compressed Earth Block (CEB) press prototype II is finished. You can compare this to Prototype I video in a previous post. We are well on our...

CEB Vault Construction Workshop

Here is our formal initial announcement of the 10-day Compressed Earth Block (CEB) Vault Construction Workshop. It will be held at Factor e Farm, in the Kansas City area, Missouri, USA, at the end of September, 2009. Examples: Modern, earth-sheltered...

CEB Building Phase 2 – Site Analysis

We are doing preparatory work for our second phase of CEB construction – Inga’s House. Over the winter, we built the first CEB structure – our workshop addition. We’re moving on to building under optimal conditions – dry...

Second Prototypes: LifeTrac, CEB – Plus MicroTrac

Lots of progress here. On the ground, we’re completing Hexacube 2 today for interim housing, with our friend O.R.. On the technology development pipeline, we published specifications for the steam engine, pyrolysis oil production, flash steam generator,...

Large Hopper Mechanism

Based on some feedback from the CEB Hopper Problem Statement in the last post, here is a conceptual solution. This solution is readily doable using techniques available to us, and requires an additional ~$400 in CEB infrastructure material costs. We can...

Supernatural Wall

The CEB wall is not only made from local earth, but it also has composted manure mortar. This was not our first choice, but part of emergency Plan B. The ground is pretty much frozen here, and we can no longer make earth slurry mortar. In our case, mortar...

First Brick Laid

Laser level plus 1/2″ treated plywood plus shallow insulated gravel foundation equals first brick laid:

5000 Bricks and Counting

We pressed 5000 CEB bricks by now. We have enough for 3 of 4 walls for our living-roofed flexible fabrication workshop addition. At present, we collected funds to complete the roof, but not for any insulation or windows/doors. Please consider a donation...