Factor e Farm

Dear True Fans

I would like to share today’s letter to our True Fans with the greater world. It provides the latest insights on the Factor e Farm experiment. Dear True Fans and Supporters, First of all, thank you all for your unwavering support. You have all demonstrated...

Get a Real Job!

Friends and family still harass me. They still keep telling me to ‘get a real job.’ I’ve got a good response now. It is: Take a look at the last post on the soil pulverizer Consider ‘getting a real job at $100k,’ a well-paid...

OSE TV Interview – Austria Tour

We just got a copy of this TV interview that we did back on the OSE tour in Austria. Michaela from Earthship Austria organized this particular event. The interview took place at a local TV station in Bad Kleinkirchheim – a well known ski resort...

Marcin Jakubowski at the University of Klagenfurt

Last weekend we took Marcin Jakubowski (http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Marcin_Jakubowski) from the Subversive Fair in Linz (http://subversivmesse.net/) to Carinthia. On Tuesday evening we had the event “Open Source Ecology & mobility”...

Opportunity abounds at Factor e

From my initial survey I would estimate an ideal population of this site to be about 20-30 people. Rules of thumb for estimation go at 5 people per intensively cultivated acre, in practice the number is higher but that’s good for a rough estimate....

Facility Sanitation Improvement (by a factor of ‘e’)

To our colonic relief, we added a second composting toilet, a public outhouse with privacy. Now no one needs to wonder who is going to enter the vestibule while performing defecation maneuvers. Albeit temporary, it satisfies our immediate needs. Thanks...

Hands-on Hexacube Review

What follows is my personal experience and my evaluation of the design, if you want a quick read jump ahead to the evaluation at the end. According to Marcin and Jeremy I’m the only person to have slept in the Hexacube in below freezing conditions.


The calendar tells us there are four seasons. Our friend Bob claims there are two: crock pot and barbecue. The first fall frost came on October 15, the night after the full moon. I’ve heard that the weather is coldest at the full moon.  The cloudy...

Just Tools for Life Revisited

Time is a marvelous means for putting things into perspective. Your most embarrassing moment as a seven-year-old becomes the funniest story of the evening twenty years later. And likewise, those hilarious jokes at two in the morning, produce puzzled looks...

Online presence.

Finally, our website is on. See the miracle at: FactorEFarm.org  it is a constant work in progress. I hope you would enjoy it. -Ronny