Compressed Earth Block Press

The Liberator Got the Shakes

As mentioned in the previous post, a soil-grate shaker is necessary to help tractor-loader buckets of soil fall through the 3/4 inch spacing of the grate on the CEB machine, The Liberator. Welcome to the open source vibrator: Open Source Vibrator from...

The Liberator – Open Source Compressed Earth Brick Press – Prototype II Complete

Time is ticking before Product Release of The Liberator. Some last minute adjustments are forthcoming, before we release Beta Version 1.0. Here are some scenes from field testing. First, we carry it over to the work place with the LifeTrac forks. LifeTrac...

Exciting Times: Nearing Product Release

We are starting biweekly OSE Global Conference Calls – beginning Wednesday, October, 14, at 11:00 AM GMT-6 (Central USA time zone). Why? Because we are nearing critical decision forks in this open source project. Read on. These are exciting times...

Automatic CEB Controls v1.0

The last remaining step of our open source CEB Press Prototype II development is installation of automatic controls. This means that instead of a person actuating the hydraulic cylinders in the proper sequence as seen before, we will do this with electric...

CEB Automation

The next phase of CEB development is automation, and October is the month to do it. We’ll be publishing video of the manual CEB II in action with Soil Pulverizer and Slurry Mixer in operation – within a week. We will try this with stack-as-you...

Soil Pulverizer Annihilates Soil Handling Limits

We are glad to report that the LifeTrac-mounted, open source soil pulverizer has annihilated soil-handling limits from our compressed earth brick (CEB) pressing ability. Initial testing achieved 5 ton per hour soil throughput, while The Liberator CEB...

CEB Prototype II Finished

Aug 18, 2009 Completion of Prototype II of the Open Source Ecology CEB Press After 16 days of active build, the Compressed Earth Block (CEB) press prototype II is finished. You can compare this to Prototype I video in a previous post. We are well on our...

Liberator 2 Production Rate Calculations

The basic design rationale for MicroTrac hydraulic pump (and engine) size requirements is the ability to power the Liberator 2 CEB press to the extent that it can produce 6 bricks per minute. See calculations. This indicates 360 bricks per hour, or about...

Liberator 2 CEB Design

Over the past few days, Marcin and I have been working on the design of The Liberator 2 – the second prototype of our high-performance CEB press. The design is now up for review. The main changes are an enlarged, stationary hopper structure, guide...

CEB Prototype 2 Design Forum and Issues

Finally, the Drupal site is starting to look coherent. Alex spawned it, Jeremy owned it. We are starting discussion on the second CEB prototype there. Log in, join the forum, and we’ll have the second prototype done in a jiffy. Once...