[metaslider id=7911]
April 25-27 or 25-28 (1, 3 & 4 day options*)
Factor e Farm – Maysville MO, USA
Build Yourself. Build Your World.
This 3 or 4-day workshop – led by Marcin Jakubowski, founder of Open Source Ecology – shows how Extreme Manufacturing techniques are used to build a complete Compressed Earth Brick (CEB) Press in One Day. Workshop immersion involves concept and practice, and includes crash courses on key elements of design, fabrication, CAD, microcontrollers, hydraulics, open documentation, and open enterprise models. We are inviting entrepreneurs interested in creating Distributive Enterprise : radically open, libre, collaborative, ethical enterprise ecosystems that accelerate innovation. We are also inviting dedicated documentors to participate in a Book Sprint – where we are guided from zero to a complete, published manual and book – in 4 days. The overall workshop is designed for people interested in transitioning from Zero to Maker.
* An extra day option exists for those interested in creating enterprises around the CEB Press. Possible enterprises include both manufacturing of CEB Presses and building of housing. You are also welcome to attend a single day of the workshop but should be aware that if you miss April 25 you may not be able to perform build tasks that require special skills. We are also offering a dedicated documentation track – where you do not participate in the build, but participate in producing a publishable, easily updateable, well-formatted manual on the CEB Press using Book Sprint techniques. If you can’t attend the workshop because you need financial assistance, email us and we will put you on the waiting list. We will select you if a Sponsor provides funding.
- Weekend Workshop (April 25-27): Design, Build, and Get Skills..
- Enterprise Track (April 25-28): Design, Build, Get Skills, and explore Distributive Enterprise.
- Book Sprint Track (April 25-28): Document for viral replication.
Have questions? Drop us an email: marcin at opensourceecology dot org
- Modular design and test-driven development and prallel development
- Design for fabrication, scalability, and lifetime design
- Bolted space frame construction
- Computed-aided design – Sketchup, FreeCAD, LibreCAD, warehouse parts, and file interoperability
- Generation of computer manufacturing files
- Basic Mechanical Design
- Fundamentals of hydraulic system design
- Fundamentals of circuit design and using electronic design tools such as Fritzing and Upverter
- Basics of safety engineering
- Structural strength and power calculations
- Workshop and workflow design
- Fundamentals of welding and custom fabrication – drilling, metal shearing, shop press
- Electronics assembly
- Prototyping with a 3D printer
- Prototyping with a laser cutter
- Paralle build techniques
- Use of acetylene torch
- Parallel processing for rapid building
- Use of measuring tools, such as temperature and pressure sensors
- Book Sprint collaborative editing, use of wiki, cloud collaborative editing
- Modular Documenetation and Development Spreadsheets
- Sketchup basics
- Realtime video and instructionals production
- Using Trovebox, Dozuki, YouTube, and OpenShot for real-time multimedia documentation
Typical Daily Schedule
8AM : Breakfast
9AM-1PM : Morning Session
1-2PM : Lunch
2-6PM : Afternoon Session
6PM : Dinner
Note: schedule is being refined and may change slightly.
Day 1 – Crash Courses
- 1PM: Pickup from airport
- 3PM: Introduction, goals, methods, documentation.
- 4PM: CAD – Sketchup, FreeCAD, LibreCAD crash course. Converting, modifying, importing, and manipulating files for collaboration and interoperability. OSE Open Source Warehouse and Machine Design. Fritzing and Upverter [[Modular Electronics Crash Course]] for artists and entrepreneurs, including Physical Computing with Arduino and Beagle Bone Black as modular micro-controllers.
- 5PM: Laser cutting and 3D printing crash course – intro and use of Lasersaur laser cutter and Lulzbot 3D printerfor a full scale model build
- 6PM: Documentation and video production crash course – OpenShot, video assets library, remote editing, uploads to a repository, etc.
- 7PM: Workshop walkthrough and Safety + Quality Control Crash Course
- 8PM: Crash Course on Welding and custom fabrication – Drilling, Grinding, Ironworker Machine, hand tools – extensive list.
- 10PM: Crash course on Hydraulic Fluid Power. Design/Build of the Electric MicroCube, 2 hp. No cooler. Cuts 1″ steel slabs as example of raw power.
Day 2 – Extreme Manufacturing
- 9AM-6PM: Extreme Build
- — Physical Structure, Hydraulics, Electronics, Paint Job
- — Concurrent Book Sprint and documentation
Day 3 – Testing and Data Collection
- 9AM-6PM: Testing and Data Collection
- — Quality control checklist
- — Initial break-in, measurement of compressive strength
- — Setting up machine in the field
- — Mixing soil with Soil Mixer
- — Sample brick pressing, production rate measurement (27 hp), stacking a sample wall
- — Mixing and pressing stabilized bricks
- — Operation at full power – 54 hp
- — Sample building of stabilized CEB test structure such as retaining wall or floor
Day 4 – Distributive Enterprise
- 9AM-6PM: Distributive Enterprise
- — Economic case for open hardware – eliminating competitive waste
- — Economic Model for a Generalized Open Product Development Platform
- — Economic analysis of Workshop Model
- — Brick Press Production model – outsourced fabrication, in-house welding, in-house CNC cutting cases
- — Brick Press Education/Production Model
- — Brick Production Model
- — Housing production model – designs, ergonomics, sourcing builds
- — Growth by training trainers
- — Discussion and special guests.
- — Enterprise Scaling – Distributive Enterprise as an “open franchise”?
Please plan on arriving at Factor e Farm between 1-2:30 PM on April 25, 2014. We will have one pickup at 1 PM from the Kansas City International airport. Please book your flights to arrive before then. Others may need to rent a car, and we will facilitate coordination with others for logistics. Workshop starts at 3 PM sharp.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided. People are expected to cover their own lodging.
The first 23 signups will have the option to stay overnight at Factor e Farm for free. We can offer you a simple, cooperative-like lodging arrangement. There are 2 single rooms, but most rooms are doubles and triples.
Registration Fee for 3-day Workshop: $300
Registration Fee for 4-day Workshop: $400
Registration Fee for a Single Day: $100
Registration Fee for Book Sprint Track (4 days): $200
Sponsor another participant: Sponsor $300 or $400 to fund attendance of someone who is on the waiting list for financial assistance.
True Fans: Receive a 25% discount on all of our workshops. If you are not yet a True Fan, you can sign up as a True Fan now to become eligible for the True Fans discount on future workshops.
Donate to OSE: We are a nonprofit organization. You can make tax-deductible contributions to us.
Sponsor another participant: $300 or $400 funds another attendant who is in need of financial assistance.
Fees include workshop tuition, accommodations in the HabLab for the first 23 people to sign up, meals, and group pickup from the Kansas City International Airport.
If you would like to attend but cannot afford the admission, we can put you on the wait list. If the workshop does not fill up or if there is someone willing to cover your fee as a donor, we can accept you. Please email us.
Cancellation Policy
If for any reason you can’t attend a workshop you registered for we will be happy to (a) transfer you credit towards a future MicroHouse workshop; (b) or equivalent credit towards any other other OSE workshop; (c) substitute the name on your ticket and have a friend take your place.
Pay with Check
For payment with paypal/credit card see below. If you’d rather pay with a check, fill out this form. Please make checks payable to Open Source Ecology, and mail them to PO Box 442, Maysville, MO 64469. Write “April CEB Workshop” along with the type of signup in the memo line.
Pay with Paypal / Credit Card
To pay with paypal/credit card, please use the the Eventbrite form below. Note that Eventbrite charges a fee for the service in addition to the workshop fee – if you wish to avoid this, see check payment instructions above.
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